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DJ Bonita Highlights One of the Most Interesting Eras for Khaleeji Music
In 2005-2008, Khaleeji artists were more experimental with their production selections and musical arrangements. You’ll hear Indian and North African influences in albums released at the time. Music was more upbeat even when the lyrics were sad.
Journey Into Raï With Cheb Mimo
Curated by Cheb Mimo for afikra, introducing what raï music production looked like between the late 80s and the early 2000s. "Raï is a music genre that originates from the rich cultural tapestry of Algeria. It places a significant emphasis on lyrical improvisation."
Listen, Read, Watch: Palestine
Recommendations for what to Listen, Watch, Read list from Palestine, featuring Lana Lubany, Karim Kattan and Lina Soualem.
Roadtrip Through the Arab World in a Mixtape
Travel through geography, space and time in this roadtrip playlist that crosses genres, eras, regions and covers that celebrate the Arab world and being on the road.