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Listen, Read, Watch: Sudan
Recommendations for what to Listen, Watch, Read list from Sudan, featuring Sharhabil Ahmed, Laila Aboulela, and Mohamed Kordofani.
Book Review of No One Knows Their Blood Type
I met Hazem Jamjoum – the translator of Maya Abu Al-Hayyat’s No One Knows Their Blood Type – in London on a Sunday. Jamjoum handed me a fresh copy of the book in English, and it turned out to be the kind of book that, once you start reading, you simply can’t put down until finished in one sitting.
Listen, Read, Watch: Palestine
Recommendations for what to Listen, Watch, Read list from Palestine, featuring Lana Lubany, Karim Kattan and Lina Soualem.
Prison Literature: A Defining Genre of Palestinian Literary Production
Prison literature forms an important part of the Palestinian literary canon, yet it is often overlooked and understudied. This article offers a brief introduction to the genre, its history, and some recommendations for works and authors to read. Photo from the Digital Archive of the Palestinian Museum via Mondoweiss.
Listen, Read, Watch: Morocco
Recommendations for what to Listen, Watch, Read list from Morocco, featuring Bab L’Bluz, Laila Lalami, and Asmae El Moudir.
Books About Architecture in the Gulf
What to read if you want to learn more about architecture and urban planning in the Gulf, as recommended by Roberto Fabbri on the afikra podcast.
Nine Infographics About the Arabic Language
afikra recently collaborated with QFI to create a series of infographics all about the Arabic language. Each infographic aims to highlight the vibrancy and widespread influence of the Arabic language in an easy-to-digest, visual way.
Listen, Read, Watch: Syria
A curated Listen, Watch, Read list spotlighting works from Syria. Featuring an album by TootArd, a novel by Khaled Khalifa, and a documentary film by Taim Karesly.
Listen, Read, Watch: Egypt
A curated Listen, Watch, Read list spotlighting works from Egypt. Featuring an album by Dina El Wedidi, a book by Nawal El Saadawi and a film directed by Ayten Amin.
Ibrahim Abu-Lughod: Palestine's Foremost Academic and Intellectual
Ibrahim Abu-Lughod pioneered the understandings and portrayals of the Middle East in political science and more broadly in America. Close friend Edward Said described him as “Palestine’s foremost academic and intellectual.”
Listen, Read, Watch: Saudi Arabia
A curated Listen, Watch, Read list spotlighting works from Saudi Arabia with Moayad Alnefaie’s Bath Al Shaer, Abdulrahman Munif’s Cities of Salt and Yallah Yallah Beenah.