Nine Infographics About the Arabic Language
We collaborated with QFI to create a series of infographics all about the Arabic language. Each aims to highlight the vibrancy and widespread influence of Arabic in an easy-to-digest, visual way. You can explore them here and check them out on the QFI website too.
The Arabic Language Root System
Almost every word in Arabic has a “root” that consists, usually, of three letters. This root system means that there are whole families of verbs, nouns, and adjectives that are related and belong to the same family tree. This infographic visualizes 31 words that come from the root ج-م-ع. You can see that this root is related to ideas of community, gathering, and coming together. As such you get words such as جمع (to gather), مجموعة (group), and جمعي (collective).
The Spectrum Of Love in Classical Arabic
There are so many different ways to express love and affection in Arabic. Each word in this infographic has a different nuance or connotation, conveying different aspects of love. Arabic literature and poetry is filled with various expressions of love.
Arabic Influence on Spanish
The Arabic and Spanish languages have a long history. Over 4000 words in Spanish still in use today actually originate from Arabic.
Non-Verbal Communication in the Arab World
It’s not just the Italians that have a whole unspoken language of gestures. Here are just six examples of non-verbal communication from across the region.
Arabic Calligraphy
In this infographic, you can see the same phrase “معرفة اللغات مدخل إلى الحكمة” meaning “knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom” written in six different calligraphy styles. Over the centuries, different calligraphy styles have emerged, serving different religious, political, social, cultural and artistic purposes.
Arabic Sign Language
Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) is non-verbal communication used by Arabic speakers who are deaf or hard of hearing. Here you can find six examples of keywords or phrases and how to sign them.
Romance Language Parallels
At first glance, Arabic may seem to have nothing to do with Romance languages like French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan. In actual fact, there are hundreds of examples of words in all those languages that derive from Arabic – many of which are words that we use everyday.
Arabic in the Soccer Stadium
Soccer or football is a hugely popular sport in the Arab world. The sport ranks as the region’s most-watched sport. In this infographic, you’ll find all the key words you need to talk about soccer in Arabic.
History of the Arabic Alphabet
This infographic traces the history, development and formation of the Arabic alphabet we know today. The letters that we use to write in the modern era are a combination of Phoenician, Aramaic, Nabatean, and Syriac. Out of the Arabic alphabet, the Persian, Urdu and Pashto languages were also born.