Listen, Read, Watch: Saudi Arabia

During our much-needed winter break, we published a series called #ListenReadWatch on Instagram, curated by the afikra community. Each featured one album, one book, and one film from somewhere in the Arab world. It was a way to get recommendations of things to listen, read, and watch during the holidays, and to celebrate some of the best creative minds from across the region and times.


Listen: Batn Al Shaer, Moayad Al Nefaie

Moayad is a writer, actor and comedian-turned-rapper, who started his career as a doctor. This is his debut album.


Read: Cities of Salt, Abdulrahman Munif

The first book in a series of five, this is a “petro-fiction” novel which explores how the discovery of oil reverberates with far-reaching consequences on local and wider regional society.


Watch: Yallah Yallah Beenah, Mohammed Hammad

A short, experimental movie that follows a film junkie (whose home is a shrine to cinema) and a group of pre-teens in a parallel universe, on a mission to save humanity and escape a spell cast on them by a coven of witches.

Via Cinewaves Film


Palestine's Soap-Making City


Al-Balalin Troupe: An Experimental Theatre Group From Palestine in the 70s