Al-Balalin Troupe: An Experimental Theatre Group From Palestine in the 70s
The Balalin Troupe (Arabic for “balloons”) was the first Palestinian experimental theatrical group, founded by young Palestinians in 1971 by merging two theatrical troupes that emerged in Jerusalem and Ramallah. It was the predecessor to Al Hakawati and is often credited with inspiring the theatrical movements that followed it.
Images via The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive. 1) A Poster Announcing the Balalin Festival by the Balalin Troupe, Ramallah, August 1973 2) The Announcement of the Play "Antoura and Lattouf" by Balalin Troupe, Jerusalem, 11 October 1975 3) A Ticket to Attend the "Al-Atma" Play by the Balalin Troupe, Jerusalem, 9 September 1972
A man on a trip with Balaleen Theatre Group at al-Qubayba Woods via The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive
Among Al-Balalin Troupe’s founders are Emile Ashrawi, François Abou Salem, Adel Tartir, Vera Tamari, Nadia and Sameh Abboushi, Majid Almani and Jab al-Zubaidi. The Troupe presented several plays, the first of which was the Qet'at Haya (A Piece of Life), after which came plays like Ta' ta Kharfak Ya Sahbi (Let Me Tell You Something, My Friend), Antoura and Lattouf, Nashrat Ahwal al-Jaw (The Weather Forecast), Onshodat ad-Dam (The Song of Blood) and Al-Kanz (The Treasure).
Al-Balalin Troupe performed work that aimed to reflect Palestinian lived reality to its audience. One of its most famous, important and memorable productions was the 1972 Al-Atma (Darkness). The performance purposefully broke down the fourth wall, rejecting a separation between audience and performer. The premise of the play was simple: a theater troupe attempts to perform a play but is foiled by technical difficulties followed by a blackout. This blackout leaves both the stage and the audience in complete and intentional darkness.
The cast then asks the audience for their help in trying to fix this, drawing them into becoming participants in the play itself. The darkness — and the collective effort to try and solve the problem — then becomes a character in the play. Using darkness, the play illustrates and explores notions of occupation, Palestinian resistance, social backwardness, patriarchy and community mobilization. It concludes with a passing round of candles for both the cast and audience to hold. This was a form of immersive and experimental theater that Palestinian audiences had never seen before.
The Troupe continued its activities until 1975 and performed in Jerusalem, Ramallah, Nablus and Bethlehem.
Scenes from the "Al-Atma" Play, September- December 1972 via The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive
Literary Hub, The Revolutionary Power of Palestinian Theater, Isabella Hammad
The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive
Permission to Perform: Palestinian Theatre in Jerusalem (1967-1993), MPhil dissertation by Samer Al-Saber
فرانسوا أبو سالم وعادل الترتير واتت قبل مسرح الحكواتي (تأكد من التمرير للأسفل والقراءة عنه في أحد منشوراتنا) وغالبًا ما يُنسب إليه الفضل في إلهام الحركات المسرحية التي اتت لاحقاً. قامت المجموعة بأداء عمل يعكس الواقع المعيشي الفلسطيني ومن أشهر إنتاجاتها وأهمها هو عرض العتمة بال1972. تعمد الأداء ان يكسر الجدار الرابع، رافضًا الفصل بين الجمهور والمؤديين. كانت فرضية المسرحية بسيطة: تحاول فرقة مسرحية أداء مسرحية ولكن يتم إحباطها بسبب مشاكل تقنية يتبعها انقطاع التيار الكهربائي. هذا التعتيم يترك المسرح والجمهور في ظلام دامس ومتعمد. ثم يطلب الممثلون من الجمهور مساعدتهم في محاولة إصلاح ذلك، وجذبهم ليصبحوا مشاركين في المسرحية نفسها ويصبح الظلام والجهد الجماعي لمحاولة حل المشكلة شخصية في المسرحية. باستخدام الظلام، يستكشف هذا العرض مفاهيم الاحتلال والمقاومة الفلسطينية والتخلف الاجتماعي والنظام الأبوي والتعبئة المجتمعية. وينتهي الأداء بجولة عابرة من الشموع يمسكها كل من الجمهور وطاقم المسرح. كان هذا الشكل من المسرح التجريبي الغامر لم
.يشاهده الجمهور الفلسطيني من قبل