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Book Review of No One Knows Their Blood Type
I met Hazem Jamjoum – the translator of Maya Abu Al-Hayyat’s No One Knows Their Blood Type – in London on a Sunday. Jamjoum handed me a fresh copy of the book in English, and it turned out to be the kind of book that, once you start reading, you simply can’t put down until finished in one sitting.
Prison Literature: A Defining Genre of Palestinian Literary Production
Prison literature forms an important part of the Palestinian literary canon, yet it is often overlooked and understudied. This article offers a brief introduction to the genre, its history, and some recommendations for works and authors to read. Photo from the Digital Archive of the Palestinian Museum via Mondoweiss.
Books & Films To Understand What’s Happening in Sudan
After our conversation with Aida Abbashar, we wanted to continue educating ourselves about the current situation in Sudan. We hope this watch and read list acts as a good starting point for getting to grips with what’s happening in Sudan.
Arab Modern Art Books
Highlights from our conversation with Dr Ridha Moumni and Sultan Al-Qassemi about “Kawkaba: Highlights from the Barjeel Foundation” on all the best artists and art books that you’ll want to know about.
George Khoury & the History of Arab Comics
10 graphic novels from and about the Arab world that you should definitely know about.