Bas Sou'al: afikra Community Podcast

Here at afikra, we’re all about asking questions and exploring something new. Bas Sou’al — afikra’s community podcast — creates a new space to showcase some of the community presentations from our global chapter events and gatherings. Our community members take the presentations that they’ve researched and developed with support from the afikra team and broaden them into a podcast episode. Together with hosts Mysa Kafil-Hussain and Yasmin Khawaja, our presenters share what they've learnt about a piece of history or culture from the Arab World.

Season Two of the afikra Community Podcast

The second season of Bas Sou’al features presentations by afikra community members from around the world. These episodes cover all kinds of topics related to the cultures and histories of the Arab World. Listen to learn about everything from the Yemeni diaspora in Indonesia, Ahmed Rahmy’s unrequited love for Umm Kulthoum, to Berlin’s “Arab Street” and an ancient Arab fishing technique.

Why Do Elements of Yemeni Culture Appear in Indonesia? | Asma Ibrahim

Asma Ibrahim from afikra's London chapter shares her Feature presentation on the Hadrami diaspora's role in bringing Yemeni Culture to Indonesia.


Umm Kulthum Through the Eyes of Poet Ahmed Ramy | Mustapha Kammoun

Mustapha Kammoun talks about Sélim Nassib's novel "I Loved You For Your Voice" that's based on the life of Umm Kulthum. The book is told through the eyes of poet Ahmed Ramy, the man who wrote her lyrics and loved her in vain. Mustapha dives into their relationship, unrequited love, their music and her iconic "voice that sets pain free.”


Moroccans of Vietnam: "40 Years of Solitude" Al Jazeera Documentary | Franca Al-Khouri

Tala Fasheh explores the history of Sonnenallee, aka the "Arab Street" in Berlin. She talks about the different circumstances the street has lived and overcome throughout time, beginning from its construction, to the times of Nazi Germany and the Cold War, post-German reunification, and finally present day, touching on future implications.


Moroccans of Vietnam: "40 Years of Solitude" Al Jazeera Documentary | Franca Al-Khouri

Franca Al-Khouri from afikra's Berlin chapter gives a "Forward" presentation on an Al Jazeera English-language documentary "40 Years of Solitude". The documentary follows Moroccan soldiers who fought for the French in the Indochina War in Vietnam in the mid-20th century and remained in Vietnam after Morocco's Independence.


Aden: Queen Elizabeth II’s Last Foothold in Arabia

Abdulah Al-Ghoul talks about Aden, inspired by an Al-Jazeera article titled "Queen Elizabeth's Last Foothold in Arabia". He gives a brief overview of the key historical context around Britain's colony in Yemen, changing sentiments leading to the "Aden Emergency" through which Yemen gained independence, and the birth of South Yemen — the Arab world's only Marxist state.


Almadraba: A Tuna-fishing technique From Andalusia | Mohamad Tassabehji

Mohamad Tassabehji looks into the ancient art of tuna-fishing based on an article on Almadraba Tuna from He tells us about this ancient technique invented by Arabs and brought to Spain to survive until the present day.


Iconic Buildings of Kuwait's Skyline


Listen, Read, Watch: Morocco